Aww yeah! The Southern Hemisphere version of the Planner for a Magical 2020 is available now! If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere of planet Earth, (below the equator, in places such as Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America) you likely already know that the seasons are the “opposite” of the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. So when it’s summer …
Win an Autographed 2020 Planner!
UPDATE 10/18/2019: AND THE WINNERS ARE…– Hope Greenwild! (Blog post/Hardcover winner!)– @divineconstruct! (Insta/Spiral-bound winner!) THANK YOU to everyone who entered!! There were way more entries than I was expecting, and the COLOR IDEAS were totally amazing!! well done!_____________________________________________________ (original post:)To celebrate the launch of the Planner for a Magical 2020 — I’m giving away TWO autographed copies — a hardcover …
Planner for a Magical 2020 — Preview, Cover Reveal, & Release Date! ✨??
… When the tarot points to the Full Moon on October 13th … Hi and happy September! (scroll down to see the photo previews) The release date for the 2020 planner is officially October 13th, 2019 — I added SO MANY COOL DETAILS and things that needed more time to finish, but also because… the tarot! I consulted the tarot about this book release (as you …
2020 Planner Sketch Preview
Aaah! I’m so excited about what’s in the works for the 2020 Planner! All new art, spells, magical tidbits, a few surprises, and lots of kickass witchery to make your year the best! It’ll be available September 2019 (actual date TBA) in Paperback, Hardcover, and Spiral-Bound on Amazon, and in PDF on Etsy. And hopefully, I’ll do a Southern Hemisphere …
“Coloring Book of Shadows” gets a new cover!
I’m so excited to show you this NEW COVER for Coloring Book of Shadows (published 2016 — previously with a white cover). Also, I just want to make it super clear that this is a NEW COVER — SAME “OLD” BOOK and not a new book! However there is a (new!) hardcover with premium 70# paper, and there will be …
Full Previews of New Books: Volume II and Wheel of the Year
I’m super excited to show you these two full previews! The books will both be available on June 17, 2019. Coloring Book of Shadows: Volume II (see pictures and get eventual links to buy here) Wheel of the Year A re-issue of the 2019 and 2018 Planners, with no calendars and dates.(See pictures and get eventual links to buy here.) …
Planner for a Magical 2020 Announcement
A super short announcement just to say that yes, I’m planning to make a 2020 Planner! I’m working on it now and it’s going to be SO COOL! ??✨ It’ll be out in August/September 2019, and I’ll post more about it when I have a little preview to show you. (and this isn’t the actual cover… but now that I …
Southern Hemisphere 2019 Planner… with Special Guest Editor Fiona Horne!
Aaaah! I’m super excited to officially release the Southern Hemisphere 2019 Planner. It came out more magical than I ever dreamed… and that’s because it features a very special Guest Editor of Southern Hemisphere Magic and Seasons… Fiona Horne. (applause!!!) Fiona’s (legendary!) beauty is surpassed yet by her brilliance of mind and spirit. The depth of Southern Hemisphere magic, seasons, …
Planner for a Magical 2019 – Full Preview Video & Release Date!
Watch this Planner for a Magical 2019 Full Preview video (with Author Commentary!), or see a few photos below. The release date is September 22, 2018, and I’ll post the links to buy and more info over here on this page. **And yes, there will be a Southern Hemisphere Version, just a little later, like October/November.** 🙂 Thanks for …
June Correspondences and Litha Spells
Here’s a quick share of some of the magical June correspondences and Litha spells I’ve colored. I went for a summery color scheme-or what summer feels like to me, anyway! These pages are from the Planner for a Magical 2018, and yep, I’ll have a 2019 version out in early Fall 2018. I used the 72 pc. set of …