Harness the Magic of the Seasons
The art in this book was originally published as the "Planner for a Magical 2019" and "Planner for a Magical 2018."
Want to harness the magic of the sun, the seasons, and yourself? Magic can be as simple as tuning in to the natural forces already in play, such as the moon, the sun, and the changing seasons.
Whether you start your “Year and a Day” study, write your own traditions, or use this book as a grimoire to record the progress of your spiritual practice, you’ll discover ideas and inspiration to enhance your sabbat celebrations for years to come.
Find yourself in the creative, empowering world of your own magical year.
- 8.5×11″ size with double-sided print
- 40 seasonal spells, two for each month and sabbat in the Wheel of the Year (Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh (or Lammas!) and Mabon.)
- Lots of lined note pages (with seasonal illustrations) to write your own spells and experiences.
- For Northern Hemisphere seasons only (USA, North America, Europe, etc.)
Also available in Spiral Bound
See what's inside...
(Cover has been updated. The video preview features the "old" cover.)

An introduction with basic instructions for casting spells and using the Wheel of the Year.

Seasonal spells and crafts for each month and sabbat

... And lots more!

Amy Cesari
About the Author...
hi I’m Amy, forest dwelling Author, Illustrator, and high-powered Magical Business Consultant. I’m also an avid crocheter, gardener, and have a ridiculously goofy sense of humor.
Not only do I own every Nintendo game console ever made, I’ve got several fancy diplomas -- including a Master’s in Business, a Bachelor's in Industrial Art, and Advanced Studies in Various Magical Practices.
Contact me at amy@coloringbookofshadows.com
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