Have You Always Known You Were Magic?
The Coloring Book of Shadows is a delightful canvas to follow that path. Let your journey unfold as you color crystals, herbs, potions, and other magical elements. Find out what magic powers you have… waiting to be unlocked!
See What’s Inside…

An Astrology section featuring pages for each Astrological Sign! Which one are you?!

The Wheel of The Year… Color your way to harmony with the seasons!

Crystals and Herbs: So many pages for coloring and magic.
… And lots more! Over 70 pages of coloring and notes.
Coloring Book of Shadows
Get the Coloring Book of Shadows and increase your magical powers — and coloring skills … today!
Do you want to be even more magical?!
Read on to discover…

Finding your power is easier than most people think.
If you’ve suspected, like many mystical people do — that there’s magic to be found by simply following your intuition and creative path… you’re right.
It’s true. You can get in touch with your own magical, intuitive power thru almost any creative outlet. What does that mean? Creative activities like drawing, crafting, and coloring can bring you closer to the source of your own true power and magic.
In today’s world, it’s easy to lose the connection to the “feel good” part of the magical flow. A lot of our lives are spent doing what we “have to” do to keep it together. We often push aside that voice that tells us to craft and create purely because we want to.
If you’re not feeling at your most creative or powerful, Ask yourself — what is it that’s calling you right now?!
“Expand your Mind!” as Professor Trelawney instructed so famously. Follow that true spark of excitement and curiosity within, and let that feel-good feeling be your guide to a more powerful magical connection.
So, how exactly do you do effective, everyday magic?

It’s not just for kids, and it’s not going out of style. Coloring is an extraordinarily effective way to connect to your creative source and get your energy and magic flowing. Don’t believe it? Check this out…
When you color — you’re doing a simple exercise in expanding your mind and reality. You look at the picture and have to choose a color, visualizing what it might look like on the page. That’s the first step to manifestation and doing basic magic. Intention. Visualizing the outcome. It may sound simple, but coloring is great practice to get yourself into that flow of creative energy.

The Coloring Book of Shadows Includes over 70 pages of original, hand-drawn magical art! Wheel of the Year, The Elements, Astrology, Crystals, Herbs, Potions, Spells, and more!
Use the Coloring Book of Shadows as your Magical Guide!
A “Book of Shadows” is a journal to explore your own path of magic. If you seek it, magic will unfold before you in fantastic ways. All you have to do is take the first curious steps, and follow where it leads.
A “Book of Shadows” style journal in coloring book format, the Coloring Book of Shadows gives you over 60 pages of gorgeous, original magical artwork and illustrations to inspire your journey, plus the format and space to let you write in insights, correspondences, notes, and other meaningful discoveries.
Color along thru the Wheel of the Year, the Astrological Signs, and copious pages of crystals, herbs, potions, spells, and other magical elements. Each page is printed on only one side of the paper, allowing you a greater range of flexibility with the coloring tools you can use.
Are you ready to unlock your magic?
Includes over 70 pages of original, hand-drawn magical art! Wheel of the Year, The Elements, Astrology, Crystals, Herbs, Potions, Spells, and more!
Coloring Book of Shadows
Get the Coloring Book of Shadows and increase your magical powers — and coloring skills … today!

Amy Cesari
About the Author…
hi I’m Amy, forest dwelling Author, Illustrator, and high-powered Magical Business Consultant. I’m also an avid crocheter, gardener, and have a ridiculously goofy sense of humor.
Not only do I own every Nintendo game console ever made, I’ve got several fancy diplomas — including a Master’s in Business, a Bachelor’s in Industrial Art, and Advanced Studies in Various Magical Practices.
Contact me at amy@coloringbookofshadows.com
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