Beltane Special Edition PDF
Add this gorgeous set of printable Beltane pages to your grimoire or BOS.
Beltane (pronounced sort of like Beyowl-tinna) is the Gaelic or Celtic May Day festival that celebrates the return of summer or the light half of the year.
• Includes 9 written Beltane spells and rituals + lots of “mini” spells and inspiration.
• Illustrated Beltane note pages and space to add your own spells and notes.
• Beltane correspondences, symbolism, and tarot ideas.
• Inspiration for Beltane food, snacks, and kitchen witchery.
• Approximately 40 pages.
This is a compilation of pages collected from previous works by Amy Cesari/Coloring Book of Shadows. You may already have some of these if you own Amy’s older books such as: Hedge Witchery, Wheel of the Year, Cottage Witch, Magical Year, Witch’s Alchemy, or the older Beltane “specials.”
This magical set of pages will inspire your Beltane grimoire art, crafts, and rituals for years to come.
PRINTABLE PDF — Download only at this time.
See What’s Inside…
Explore the magic of Beltane in your own color and style.
Space to take notes and expand this book into your own personalized reference.
Space to take notes and expand this book into your own personalized reference.
Amy Cesari
About the Author…
hi I’m Amy, forest dwelling Author, Illustrator, and high-powered Magical Business Consultant. I’m also an avid crocheter, gardener, and have a ridiculously goofy sense of humor.
Not only do I own every Nintendo game console ever made, I’ve got several fancy diplomas — including a Master’s in Business, a Bachelor’s in Industrial Art, and Advanced Studies in Various Magical Practices.
Contact me at