Calendar For A Magical 2025 Announcement

The Wall Calendars — otherwise known as the “Calendar for a Magical 2025” will be available November 29, 2024, only from my shop,

They’ll be $30 with free shipping for the US and reasonable (as I can be!) shipping cost worldwide.

This 12-month wall calendar will feature some of the ANIMAL MAGIC art from the Full-Color Planner for a Magical 2025 — and it’ll be printed on heavy, glossy paper in full-color — with a spiral-bound top.

I’ll share more previews soon and of course, update you when it is available in late November xox

So… mark your calendar for this “animal magic” themed calendar!

Calendar for a Magical 2025 (Wall Calendar)
Available November 29, 2024 — only from

Hope you like it!

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