Super excited to show you this preview video (and photos, if you’d rather!) of the upcoming Tarot Journal!
It’ll be available March 20, 2019, in a variety of formats (paperback, PDF printable, spiral-bound, and hardback with “premium” paper! More info and eventual links to buy will be here on this page.)
So without further delay… here’s the preview!
… looking for more info and (eventual) links to buy? Find ’em over here!
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Comments 26
I can’t wait to buy this I’m a reader myself, and have been look forever to find a tarot journal that I like and that fits my day to day readings.
thanks so much, Amy! I’m glad you like the preview xoxo
I am totally excited and cant wait to have this book among my collection!! I see this as being another great addition to the Coloring Book of Shadows Family of books!
aww thanks, Shanna! I’m so glad you like what I’ve revealed xoxo
I agree 100%. I cannot wait to add this to my growing collection of Amy’s works! IT looks amazing and I bet it will not only be extremely helpful but fun as well – just as Amy’s other books are!
aww thanks so much, Shanna xoxo
Love the preview! I’m so excited for this release! I read my own cards and journal my readings. My daughter has become interested and I think this will be awesome for her to start out with! Thank you so much
I cant wait,I love your books!!!!!
Fabulous tarot journal… Very exciting announcement! I am looking forward to the March release ?
I will *DEFINITELY* be ordering this!! Love it!
Mi Cara Amy
Questo sara un bellissimo libro Io sono sicuro che solo lei poteva fare questo
Molti Auguri per successo per te – la figlia nel mio cuore – ti amo molto “Nonna madrina”
aww grazie xoxo
Amy! The new Tarot Journal is beautiful! I cannot wait to get it ordered! You are amazing! ❤️
This is absolutely gorgeous! You can tell how much you love your craft. It shows in all the love and details that are put into your products. I have told many a friend about your products and have sent the freebies to them to entice them in.
AMY! Great minds think alike! I’m working on a tarot journal too. Different than yours, but still! Yay! This looks beautiful. So fun! You’ve put so much work into it. Just like all your journals.
Love this, Amy! We’re huge fans of your work! Currently coloring in your “Witch Life” book, and can’t wait for your Tarot one!
Olivia & Sonia, 2MysticMoons
Sooo excited to get this!!! I’m a Tarot newbie but love it already! This coloring book will be perfect to learn while coloring and relaxing! 😉
Thank you for the preview and the 2 free coloring pages! <3
yay super welcome!! So glad you like it xox
Magickal Amy & such a wonderful idea!
Thanks for the free pages and doing this awesome journal.
Blessed Be.
Excited to get my book! Do you know yet where the spiral bound will be available? And how much it will be? Not that it matters because I’m getting it anyway. Thank you for the enjoyment and learning.
thanks so much, Jan! The spiral will be available on Lulu by March 20 for sure, possibly on Amazon but maybe not quite yet. It’ll be $25 xo
Looking forward to the release! I am loving the planner and will enjoy having something to explore the tarot with specifically. Will the 70# paper allow the use of markers? If it is hardback, will it lay flat? I came across those sketchbooks that lay flat when opened and think they are awesome.
thanks so much, Laura! The hardback lays flat pretty well, much easier than paperback but the spiral is the “flattest” xox This book has single-sided print either way so it’ll be much better for markers in gerneral, as long as you put some paper underneath for bleedthrough. 70# is heavier/nicer for sure.
I am so thrilled to see this is nearly out!! I’ve been excited ever since I first heard the announcement… I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all your books. Thanks for sharing your talent in this wonderful way!
aww thanks so much, Collette!! I’m so glad you like them xoxo
Wow! The preview looks fabulous, Amy. I can’t wait to see the video of the whole book. So, so excited. Thanks for all you do!